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2020年6月26日 PDFを無料でダウンロードしていただけます。ご希望のページをお好きにプリントアウトしてお使い下さい。 WEBでのショッピングは、あれこれ全体を見通せ  Doctor Seuss. ABSTRACT. This lesson plan, for grades 4 to 6 and up, incorporates the. Dr. Seuss story about Sneetches to teach children about sources of prejudice. The lesson also can be used to incorporate writing in the social studies. Six. In this lesson, students will discover some of the themes of Dr. Seuss's major books. By viewing excerpts from they will see how, despite being written for young children, Dr. Seuss' books contain powerful messages Dr. Seuss: http:// www.umanitoba.ca/publications/mosaic/backlist/2001/June/34_2%20Nel%20essay.pdf. Used with permission. THE CAT IN THE HAT KNOWS A LOT ABOUT THAT! © 2016, CITH Productions, Inc. and Red Hat Animation Ltd. Underlying characters © 1957, 1985 Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P.; FOR PROMOTIONAL USE ONLY.

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